Let Us Enhance Your Life With Personalized Wellness

Get Patient Advocacy Services From Registered Nurses

Let Us Enhance Your Life With Personalized Wellness

Get Patient Advocacy Services From Registered Nurses


What Is Patient Advocacy?

You want to be heard – you feel lost in the maze of the current, complex healthcare system. Our approach is personalized and holistic, encompassing all health modalities, including functional and integrative.

An iRNPA by your side ensures that YOU are the central focus of your healthcare. Working collaboratively with all your doctors, your iRNPA ensures the safest and most effective treatments possible for you.

You will become an active and knowledgeable participant in your own care. This tremendously improves your safety and chances of the best outcome within the medical system.

Hello, I’m Charlene!

Your health care journey is unique, I am here to meet you where you’re at. I’ve experienced first-hand how difficult the health care system can be, both personally and professionally. It can be complicating and overwhelming. However, because I am a registered nurse I was able to advocate for my unique health needs and am honored to do the same for my clients. I believe in an integrative, holistic approach to wellness that paces the individual at the center of their health care. That’s why myself, and Mary Barren originally founded inner strength RN help advocate to meet you where you’re at on your unique health care journey.

When To Call Us

When you want to be heard, you feel lost in the maze of the current, complex healthcare system. You have a feeling there is a better way but need the support to explore your options.

You wonder: If you had a medical issue and your family is not close by, who would be there to support you?

You have friends, family, or neighbors that you are supporting and are finding their medical situation to be very complex or time-consuming.

You want to learn about your medications and their potential risks.

You have a family member living at home or in a facility in Southwest Florida and are not able to be there as much as you would like. You would like someone there to advocate for the well-being of that family member.

You are interested in exploring how to approach life’s ups and downs from a position of knowledge and empowerment rather than overwhelm.

Ways to work with me